What is the ARGATG you ask?
Not sure the acronym works but the TGA has released its ARGATG- Australian Regulatory Guidelines for Advertising Therapeutic Goods.
The information is designed for advertisers rather than consumers and advises and reminds of the responsibilities when advertising therapeutic goods directly to the public.
The guidance provides links to various updated guidance pages within the TGA site including what constitutes advertising, pre-approval requirements and appeals, restricted representations, interface issues and how advertising complaints are handled.
Importantly, the guidance is applicable to the current TGAC 2015 (Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code) but incorporates the amendment made in March 2018 to the Therapeutic Goods Act.
As the TGAC 2018 has not yet been released, the guidance for this Code would as yet not have been finalised. The TGA state that guidance for that will be consulted on from mid-June 2018.
We have the authority to apply penalties with various consequences for advertisers who do not meet their advertising requirements.