Happy New Code!
The Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2018 is a remake of the 2015 (the Advertising Code 2015 Code that will support the implementation of the MMD Review recommendations accepted by the Government relevant to therapeutic goods advertising.
Key points being that the revisions should provide increased clarity and objectivity in light of new (and amended) enforcement provisions in the Act for advertising non-compliance and make medicine and medical device advertising requirements consistent. Other amendments have also been made to clarify and enhance certain provisions and address any identified inconsistencies or omissions.
The Code will commence 1st January 2019 providing advertisers with a 6 month period during which time they are encouraged to familiarise themselves with how the changes will impact the compliance of their materials, and if necessary, undertake some further education or seek expert advice.
The TGA have advised that guidance for the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2018 is still under development. Hopefully during the second week of July 2018, this will then be released for public consultation before the final version is published.
I will keep you posted on these updates and in the coming days, some giudance on details provided regarding the complaints processes.